EVENT DATE: MARCH 16 & 17, 2018 In this 1.5 day training workshop, participants explored how to teach physical, mental, emotional, social, and global literacy to students. They learned playful activities and ways to integrate these mindful lessons into their work with students. Didactic information was interspersed with practices throughout the 1.5 days. Daniel facilitated meaningful conversation on system change and race which left the whole community deeply moved and inspired to make a difference in the lives of children.
This series of five video sessions from March 12- 16, 2018, organized by the Mind & Life Institute, features leading mindfulness scientists and expert practitioners sharing information with His Holiness the Dalai Lama on his longstanding interest in learning how to best educate the hearts and minds of young people. Each of the five sessions are two hours in length and focus on social-emotional education in early childhood, elementary and middle school. Presentation of research findings and model curricula, sprinkled with discussion and words of the Dalai Lama, demonstrate how compassion, ethics, and attention training can be more fully integrated into existing educational frameworks. Enjoy the videos at your leisure, and feel free to begin with whichever session sparks your interest most.
Watch videos here. |
September 2024