Administrator Comments:
“Mindfulness saved my life! The training impacted my life both personally and professionally. I am more aware, and able to focus without the stress. I use the strategies throughout my day. I am constantly bombarded with stressful phone calls, emails, and emotionally charged meetings. Using the mindfulness strategies has allowed me to handle anything that comes my way without becoming overwhelmed. It was a life changing experience.”
– District Special Education Director
“The staff at Brownell Middle School has collaboratively embraced mindfulness practices to enhance learning academically, socially and emotionally. The Mindfulness training we received (through MC4ME) has been most impactful for students, staff, and community. The demands of 21st-century instruction are stressful. We've unified our planning, instruction, and schedule to incorporate mindfulness practice in a systemic manner. Middle school students are better equipped now with coping, relaxation, and self-monitoring skills to handle day-to-day adolescent challenges. MC4ME has empowered the staff with mindfulness techniques to lead students in developing the necessary skills to help them feel more at ease and focused so as to enjoy a better quality school environment.”
– Principal, Middle School
“As an administrator I have come to rely on mindfulness as a critical strategy for supporting students. When I encounter students they are typically in a state of dysregulation. They are either in one of two conditions, facing consequences for poor choices or the recipient of someone else’s poor choices. In either case, I have found that providing an opportunity to engage in a few minutes of mindfulness at the onset of our encounter helps to calm the situation by providing support and encourage an improved state for problem solving and communication. In simple terms, a few short minutes invested in the front-end results in enhanced efficiency and improved outcomes along with a time savings in processing events and achieving favorable outcomes. Additionally, I personally experience the side benefit of engaging in several mindfulness sessions in a typical day.”
– Assistant Principal, K-8
“My journey with mindfulness has impacted my ability to bridge my personal life with my professional life, which means I now consistently experience my day to day habits, interactions as a whole person consciously aware of my thoughts, actions and reactions. As an educational leader, my students, faculty and staff embodied focus and pausing through breathing exercises practiced during school-wide announcements, classroom transitions, professional learning community meetings and professional development opportunities on a daily basis. I witnessed a shift in the school culture, a calmness that parents and visitors spoke of when entering our building. Mindfulness became a norm not a thing.”
– Principal, K-8
“The skills taught are wonderful in my school life and personal life. It has created a seamless mindset for my life as an educator, wife and mother. We must develop next steps for districts, starting with administrators and support staff."
– Curriculum District Supervisor
“As an administrator I take 3-5 minutes at the beginning of every meeting to get staff prepared for staff meetings, professional development, department head meetings and Building Turnaround Meetings. We breathe in and out quietly with our eyes closed. There is a bell that ends each session to let the staff know we are finished with our mindfulness activity. Staff have reported on staff evaluations, they appreciate the time to clear their minds and think positive thoughts. They feel when a session begins their minds are on the topics at hand. In my personal life, I have been able to enjoy food and eating better because I am mindful of every bite. Additionally, after a stressful meeting and/or moment with a family member I take time to sit and listen to the mindfulness videos, which allows me breathing and calm time. My heart pace usually slows down and I am able to re-enter into a conversation, the work setting and be able to interact appropriately with family or employees.”
– Principal, Special Education Building
“I firmly believe that my mindfulness practice made me a better administrator. My ability to manage stress, listen deeply, lead teams effectively and remain calm during chaotic moments is a result of my daily meditation practice. It is difficult to stay steady when those around you are swept up in drama –mindfulness is my anchor! Oakland Schools, as part of its SEL initiatives, supported the training of educators in adding a mindfulness practice to their self-care toolbox. Educators who take care of themselves are better able to support the students in their classroom.”
– Special Education Supervisor
– District Special Education Director
“The staff at Brownell Middle School has collaboratively embraced mindfulness practices to enhance learning academically, socially and emotionally. The Mindfulness training we received (through MC4ME) has been most impactful for students, staff, and community. The demands of 21st-century instruction are stressful. We've unified our planning, instruction, and schedule to incorporate mindfulness practice in a systemic manner. Middle school students are better equipped now with coping, relaxation, and self-monitoring skills to handle day-to-day adolescent challenges. MC4ME has empowered the staff with mindfulness techniques to lead students in developing the necessary skills to help them feel more at ease and focused so as to enjoy a better quality school environment.”
– Principal, Middle School
“As an administrator I have come to rely on mindfulness as a critical strategy for supporting students. When I encounter students they are typically in a state of dysregulation. They are either in one of two conditions, facing consequences for poor choices or the recipient of someone else’s poor choices. In either case, I have found that providing an opportunity to engage in a few minutes of mindfulness at the onset of our encounter helps to calm the situation by providing support and encourage an improved state for problem solving and communication. In simple terms, a few short minutes invested in the front-end results in enhanced efficiency and improved outcomes along with a time savings in processing events and achieving favorable outcomes. Additionally, I personally experience the side benefit of engaging in several mindfulness sessions in a typical day.”
– Assistant Principal, K-8
“My journey with mindfulness has impacted my ability to bridge my personal life with my professional life, which means I now consistently experience my day to day habits, interactions as a whole person consciously aware of my thoughts, actions and reactions. As an educational leader, my students, faculty and staff embodied focus and pausing through breathing exercises practiced during school-wide announcements, classroom transitions, professional learning community meetings and professional development opportunities on a daily basis. I witnessed a shift in the school culture, a calmness that parents and visitors spoke of when entering our building. Mindfulness became a norm not a thing.”
– Principal, K-8
“The skills taught are wonderful in my school life and personal life. It has created a seamless mindset for my life as an educator, wife and mother. We must develop next steps for districts, starting with administrators and support staff."
– Curriculum District Supervisor
“As an administrator I take 3-5 minutes at the beginning of every meeting to get staff prepared for staff meetings, professional development, department head meetings and Building Turnaround Meetings. We breathe in and out quietly with our eyes closed. There is a bell that ends each session to let the staff know we are finished with our mindfulness activity. Staff have reported on staff evaluations, they appreciate the time to clear their minds and think positive thoughts. They feel when a session begins their minds are on the topics at hand. In my personal life, I have been able to enjoy food and eating better because I am mindful of every bite. Additionally, after a stressful meeting and/or moment with a family member I take time to sit and listen to the mindfulness videos, which allows me breathing and calm time. My heart pace usually slows down and I am able to re-enter into a conversation, the work setting and be able to interact appropriately with family or employees.”
– Principal, Special Education Building
“I firmly believe that my mindfulness practice made me a better administrator. My ability to manage stress, listen deeply, lead teams effectively and remain calm during chaotic moments is a result of my daily meditation practice. It is difficult to stay steady when those around you are swept up in drama –mindfulness is my anchor! Oakland Schools, as part of its SEL initiatives, supported the training of educators in adding a mindfulness practice to their self-care toolbox. Educators who take care of themselves are better able to support the students in their classroom.”
– Special Education Supervisor
Teacher Comments:
“Mindfulness was a blessing! The non-religious program brought a sense of calm, power, thoughtfulness, and reflection to all who participated. My students were able to take the lessons and apply them to their own lives outside of the classroom.’’
“The mindfulness work with our class of third and fourth graders was remarkable. In the world we live in, being quiet and calm doesn’t come easy to anyone, especially children. This was a welcome time for the students. They were very attentive and really embraced this idea.’’
“It has made me more aware of my students and their needs.”
“I can deal with stress and anxiety in a better way and help my students as well!”
“Mindfulness is helping me become better aware of triggers of emotions, emotions themselves and how to react when these emotions arise; Mindfulness has helped me to slow down and enjoy life more fully!"
“I am realizing how both my family and I need these practices!"
“I now use and practice mindfulness everyday. It may be only for a moment, it may be for 20 minutes, but I see and fee, differently. This has been the best experience of my life."
“It’s helped me to be a better, more peaceful person … I’m hoping to use this program with some students and get side benefits for myself.”
“I have grown so much personally, I'm sure it will positively affect my teaching.”
“I have experienced a shift (seismic) in how I respond vs. react to emotional events. I am very much more the “mountain” and less the leaf blowing in the wind.”
“Where to begin? It was meaningful and powerful practice. Teachers give so much and we often neglect ourselves. This practice reminds me that to do my best, I must slow down and be mindful.”
“It changed my daily life for the better. It was good for me and will help my students. How can we formally get mindfulness into our schools?”
“I sleep better, respond more thoughtfully and effectively, and am able to self-soothe back into a mental state fit for teaching students.”
“I have tools to help me experience the world, my work, my life and myself in an intentional, meaningful way; to reduce my stress and anxiety level.”
“It has made me calmer and given me perspective. It has made me appreciate and notice things in myself and others and in my life, that I hadn’t before.”
“I am pausing more, I am judging less. I am less anxious, less fearful, more peaceful.”
“In working with the most difficult students, it has helped me improve my patience, and my not being judgmental; it increased my compassion for my students. “
“You created a caring community. I loved all of the practices. There are so many resources out there that having them curated and demonstrated helped me be more willing to try them. Your gentle ways created no judgment for me.”
“I really valued this class. It was the most important thing that I could have done to improve my skills coming into the district. Working 15-hour days is stressful. I sleep better, respond more thoughtfully and effectively, and am able to self-soothe back into a mental state fit for teaching students.”
“Many new games, activities and lessons to have in my back pocket.”
“Time passed so quickly ... must have been great because, I just wanted another day. Thanks for your lives/your time. There is no greater gift.”
“Packed with tools, excellent trainers, great pace and combination of theory and practice.”
“High quality, loved the guided practice, loved the ‘role play’ and feedback. I increased my understanding and appreciation for the need to maintain my own daily practice and also to include it in my daily time and work with my home and work families and colleagues.”
“This workshop truly reinforced the need for self-mindfulness care. It reinforced the belief that we need to take care of ourselves, so that we can be a better self to then take care of others around us. The activities that were shared were fabulous. I’m very appreciative of the resources that were shared. I am extremely thankful for all of your hard work, dedication, passion, time and effort.”
“I think you are amazing women doing important work. I am thankful for your knowledge and wisdom and I am always grateful to learn from you. You have enriched my life personally and informed my teaching.”
“Loved it! Thank you so much for the shift in me to honor my need to have a daily practice.”
“The only thing that could have improved this workshop is being face to face. However, you guys did a great job on zoom.”
“Presenters embodied their practice and taught with authenticity!”
“I think if all schools included mindfulness, we would be well on our way to a more peaceful world where teachers and children feel empowered to control their reactions.”
“The mindfulness work with our class of third and fourth graders was remarkable. In the world we live in, being quiet and calm doesn’t come easy to anyone, especially children. This was a welcome time for the students. They were very attentive and really embraced this idea.’’
“It has made me more aware of my students and their needs.”
“I can deal with stress and anxiety in a better way and help my students as well!”
“Mindfulness is helping me become better aware of triggers of emotions, emotions themselves and how to react when these emotions arise; Mindfulness has helped me to slow down and enjoy life more fully!"
“I am realizing how both my family and I need these practices!"
“I now use and practice mindfulness everyday. It may be only for a moment, it may be for 20 minutes, but I see and fee, differently. This has been the best experience of my life."
“It’s helped me to be a better, more peaceful person … I’m hoping to use this program with some students and get side benefits for myself.”
“I have grown so much personally, I'm sure it will positively affect my teaching.”
“I have experienced a shift (seismic) in how I respond vs. react to emotional events. I am very much more the “mountain” and less the leaf blowing in the wind.”
“Where to begin? It was meaningful and powerful practice. Teachers give so much and we often neglect ourselves. This practice reminds me that to do my best, I must slow down and be mindful.”
“It changed my daily life for the better. It was good for me and will help my students. How can we formally get mindfulness into our schools?”
“I sleep better, respond more thoughtfully and effectively, and am able to self-soothe back into a mental state fit for teaching students.”
“I have tools to help me experience the world, my work, my life and myself in an intentional, meaningful way; to reduce my stress and anxiety level.”
“It has made me calmer and given me perspective. It has made me appreciate and notice things in myself and others and in my life, that I hadn’t before.”
“I am pausing more, I am judging less. I am less anxious, less fearful, more peaceful.”
“In working with the most difficult students, it has helped me improve my patience, and my not being judgmental; it increased my compassion for my students. “
“You created a caring community. I loved all of the practices. There are so many resources out there that having them curated and demonstrated helped me be more willing to try them. Your gentle ways created no judgment for me.”
“I really valued this class. It was the most important thing that I could have done to improve my skills coming into the district. Working 15-hour days is stressful. I sleep better, respond more thoughtfully and effectively, and am able to self-soothe back into a mental state fit for teaching students.”
“Many new games, activities and lessons to have in my back pocket.”
“Time passed so quickly ... must have been great because, I just wanted another day. Thanks for your lives/your time. There is no greater gift.”
“Packed with tools, excellent trainers, great pace and combination of theory and practice.”
“High quality, loved the guided practice, loved the ‘role play’ and feedback. I increased my understanding and appreciation for the need to maintain my own daily practice and also to include it in my daily time and work with my home and work families and colleagues.”
“This workshop truly reinforced the need for self-mindfulness care. It reinforced the belief that we need to take care of ourselves, so that we can be a better self to then take care of others around us. The activities that were shared were fabulous. I’m very appreciative of the resources that were shared. I am extremely thankful for all of your hard work, dedication, passion, time and effort.”
“I think you are amazing women doing important work. I am thankful for your knowledge and wisdom and I am always grateful to learn from you. You have enriched my life personally and informed my teaching.”
“Loved it! Thank you so much for the shift in me to honor my need to have a daily practice.”
“The only thing that could have improved this workshop is being face to face. However, you guys did a great job on zoom.”
“Presenters embodied their practice and taught with authenticity!”
“I think if all schools included mindfulness, we would be well on our way to a more peaceful world where teachers and children feel empowered to control their reactions.”
Student Comments:
Middle School Students mindfulness at school
“I had a lot of homework. This stressed me out. I took a few deep breaths and it calmed me down. I then completed my homework with flying colors.”
“This past week I was feeling stressed because I didn't get the grade I was hoping for in science and at first I freaked out but then I took deep breaths and calmed myself down. Now I understand what we are learning.”
“This past week I used mindfulness at school before a math test. I practiced breathing mindfully at my desk and it made me feel very calm and prepared for the test which was nice because I usually feel very stressed.”
“In band we had to go perform and be judged and graded on how well we did. Right before we were going on stage I started getting nervous and I used the mindful breathing to calm me down”.
“I used mindfulness right before I presented a project because I was very nervous. I took deep breaths and told myself that it is a 7th grade project, it’s no big deal. I felt more calm and less nervous and jittery.”
Middle School Students mindfulness outside of school
“I used mindfulness to slow my breathing during an anxiety attack. I took mindful breaths. I felt better for a short period of time. It really only allowed me to breathe.”
“This weekend I had a BIG hockey game. I had 3 hockey games & in all 3 of them I was very stressed. So while I was on the bench I took 3 mindful breaths and that calmed me down so much. I wasn't nervous anymore.”
“It was 12 o'clock on a Thursday and I couldn't fall asleep. So I sat up and practiced mindful breathing. I then lay back down, and instantly felt more relaxed and tired.”
“When I lost and got 2nd place on a game called fortnight, I used mindfulness so I would not yell or get angry.”
“I was in a fight with my mom and felt out of control so I went to my room and did some deep breathing.”
“I use mindfulness when my world gets flipped upside down. I used mindfulness in the last week or two because my older sister is going through some really tough times right now and when I see her upset it makes me upset and I take a few mindful breaths.”
“This past week I spent like 3 hours building a Lego architecture and then my sister did a cartwheel and broke it. I really wanted to punch her in the face but I didn't, I used mindfulness.”
Elementary School Students
“Mindfulness helped when I came in from recess to calm down.”
“Me and my sister got in a fight and she yelled at me and hit me, and I got frustrated and I did mindfulness and it calmed me down.”
“Mindfulness helped me when I was sad because my parents were fighting, and I did the shark fin and that helped.”
“My favorite thing about mindfulness is when I slow down.”
“Mindfulness helped me avoid all the drama on the playground.”
“My favorite thing about mindfulness is you get to rest.”
“Mindfulness helped me when I thought I was going to fail.”
“I got home from a bad day at school when I realized that my mom had not had the best day either. I asked her about her day and at the end I think I must have said something because she started yelling, so I ran up to my room. I used mindfulness to calm me down, then I went downstairs, and apologized to mom and she apologized to me.”
“I was about to do a BIG test that I had studied for. I was very nervous! I started to think and be mindful! I started by focusing on my breathing. I also felt my anchor spot. Awhile later, it was time for the TEST. I did it, I did mindfulness when I got stuck on a question. In the end I got a 100%!”
“I really liked the mindfulness bell. It really helps me notice my surroundings. It also helped train me to have my focus on one, and only one thing.”
“Me and my neighbors’ grandkids come over to my house and we jump on the trampoline in my backyard and when it gets crazy, we sit and do mindful breathing (they go to my school and learned mindfulness too).”
“I used mindfulness when I fell down and got a skinned knee.”
“Mindfulness helped me when I was going to race. I did the mindful minute.”
“I used mindfulness to help me at gymnastics. I was having a bad vault day, so I did mindful breathing and my vault was much better.”
“Mindfulness helped when I came in from recess to calm down.”
“Me and my sister got in a fight and she yelled at me and hit me, and I got frustrated and I did mindfulness and it calmed me down.”
“Mindfulness helped me when I was sad because my parents were fighting, and I did the shark fin and that helped.”
“My favorite thing about mindfulness is when I slow down.”
“Mindfulness helped me avoid all the drama on the playground.”
“My favorite thing about mindfulness is you get to rest.”
“Mindfulness helped me when I thought I was going to fail.”
“I got home from a bad day at school when I realized that my mom had not had the best day either. I asked her about her day and at the end I think I must have said something because she started yelling, so I ran up to my room. I used mindfulness to calm me down, then I went downstairs, and apologized to mom and she apologized to me.”
“I was about to do a BIG test that I had studied for. I was very nervous! I started to think and be mindful! I started by focusing on my breathing. I also felt my anchor spot. Awhile later, it was time for the TEST. I did it, I did mindfulness when I got stuck on a question. In the end I got a 100%!”
“I really liked the mindfulness bell. It really helps me notice my surroundings. It also helped train me to have my focus on one, and only one thing.”
“Me and my neighbors’ grandkids come over to my house and we jump on the trampoline in my backyard and when it gets crazy, we sit and do mindful breathing (they go to my school and learned mindfulness too).”
“I used mindfulness when I fell down and got a skinned knee.”
“Mindfulness helped me when I was going to race. I did the mindful minute.”
“I used mindfulness to help me at gymnastics. I was having a bad vault day, so I did mindful breathing and my vault was much better.”